Saturday, May 16, 2009

So bored

I'm so bored. I feel like a burrito.

Friday, April 24, 2009

I don't do much these days.

Exactly what the title says. I find myself in the same work-school-sleep cycle day after day. I don't even hang out with friends that often since the band broke up. I was hoping this wouldn't be the case, but that was what kept us all together. Now that it's done, I find myself kind of isolated from everyone else, and it kind of sucks. Most school's are going to be done in a week or two, so maybe this recent stretch of "lonliness" for lack of a better word is just an abberation.

I just finished watching The Big Lebowski. I've seen it a few times and I still don't quite get what's going on.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

good (m)orning

I realized I that I haven't posted in a while, so this may be a lengthy blog. I've started up a new quarter in school and so far, I'm still doing very well grade-wise. I don't thoroughly enjoy the classes as much aside from my Audio Recording/Pro Tools class. They're either too easy or just uninteresting.

I drove to Radnor, Pennsylvania on Friday to kick off Mae's (m)orning tour. It was in a gym at Cabrini College. I got there around 3:30 expecting to have missed load-in, but I got word from one of the people working there that the van's transmission started leaking and a giant truck showed up with all of the gear. We (me, Ben, TJ, Tyler) unloaded the truck full of ATA cases and random luggage. I set up some drums and then went upstairs where a work-out room was turned into a makeshift green room. Considering that there's only 9 people on the tour, the place was loaded with so much food and drinks that it could have served 20 people. I helped myself to some soda and a ham sandwich and then went back downstairs and threw a frisbee around with Tyler, Zach, and Dave. The (m)orning EP they put out is pretty cool. It's packaged in a digipak with a booklet and a scratch n' sniff CD which supposedly smells like the beach, but I didn't think so. After soundcheck, I went and bought cigarettes for Pogge. The dude at the counter, for whatever reason, didn't want to sell me them even though I'm of age. I went back to the venue and pretty much hung out in the green room until Person L started playing so Jacob and I checked them out for a few songs. After they played I went downstairs to see if I was needed for anything, and I pretty much took over towel and water-boy duty. I hung out stage left near guitar world for the duration of the show watching the gym full of people sing along in unison. It's a pretty cool thing to see. After the show, we packed everything up, but couldn't do much because the van was broken and the trailer was in a totally different spot. We also had to wait for the sound company to move so we could load the trailer when it finally arrived. We all went our separate ways and I drove home the next day and finished watching season three of 24. Such a good show.

I think I'll be back on the tour starting May 22nd in Detroit, and continue on for Cleveland and Buffalo. I have to take a test on Tuesday the 26th, but if I can get it done early then I may in fact head to Baltimore and Philadelphia the day after that. The end of the tour is Friday the 29th in New York City and then Virgina Beach the day after that. Exciting.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

cliche statement

I don't understand girls.

Monday, February 23, 2009

moving on

I was in Hackensack, NJ on Saturday seeing some friends of mine play a show at this place called the School of Rock. Like 10 minutes before the show started, I was messing around on facebook and I kept on reading stuff people kept putting up like "RIP, we'll miss you." and such so I got curious. I got on the phone with a couple of friends that ironically I haven't talked to in a while, and I found out the worst: Dan Stefanilo, principal and superintendant of Uxbridge schools passed away due to a heart attack.

Really, I was crushed, saddened, and really just felt terrible. I stood around like a statue while music was being played. It's not like I was that close to the person, but he was a hard worker that really cared about the well-being of his students. His speeches at graduation, while cliche, were inspirational and unforgettable. I will miss not seeing him around town.

The Long Island venue, The Crazy Donkey, was pretty cool. I totally forgot all the other stuff I was going to type up so I'll just leave it at that. 3 more days of school this week and onto Hamden, CT on Friday.

Monday, February 2, 2009


Yes, I am a 7 year old living in a 20 year old's body. I am one of those nerds who will see this on opening night in IMAX, and making frequent trips to Toys R Us leading up to the 26th of June. Ravage looks badass.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

thick skull

I need to get it through my incredibly thick and narrow-minded skull that good things come to those who wait. That said, my nearly empty plate has turned into a full-course meal.

Lego Star Wars on the Wii is my new form of mental therapy.

Friday, January 16, 2009

blah pt 12083712879

I want to go on tour. I understand the logistics of traveling. I understand the tasks that need to happen. I see what happens and how things are handled with my own two eyes and it makes me want to alter my lifestyle to that of a nomad that lives in a moving automobile.

I compare the idea of "touring on the road" to the two backpacking treks I did in New Mexico. We would wake up at rediculous hours in the morning and we had to hike a certain number of miles to get to our next destination. Some hikes would be longer than others. We got them done early in the morning because nobody likes to be hiking in the middle of the day in the dry heat with the sun beating the crap out of you. After the hike, we would arrive at our campsite and do the same tasks every day. Unload the backpacks and set up camp, and do our daily activities. We would not get much sleep, and the next day we would pack our gear back up and hike on to the next location.

I don't think that wanting to go on tour, in any capacity, is too outrageous of a goal to have. Unfortunately for me, I'm not affiliated with any kind of committed musical business. This frustrates me.

My grades are excellent, I have a job, I have a roof over my head, I'm doing well financially, and my car runs so I have nothing to complain about.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

yay for having money

I went to Dick's Sporting Goods in Millbury last night. I had a $50 gift card that I got for christmas to use up. I bought an airsoft gun and some pellets. As I paid for these items, "Panama" came on over the store's radio. I felt like a badass.

The end.