Wednesday, January 16, 2008

You know you're up late when you're listening to D&C on the commute home.

Monday night, I went up to Wachusett Mtn. for the first time in what seems like ages ago. The snow was pretty sloppy up on the summit, but better toward the bottom. The terrain parks were pretty cool, but the asshole people chillin on the kickers made them uncool. Half-pipe looked bigger than I've ever seen it before. Overall, it was nice to get back to doing what is probably my favorite winter pasttime. Without it, winter would just suck more than it does now.

After the whole skiing business was done, I recorded bass for 10 songs cause I'm a machine. I got done at around 6 in the morning and drove home. I brushed my teeth at the same time as my sister, however she was headed for another day at school while I was headed for bed. I woke up from my slumber at exactly 3:06 pm. I ate a muffin for "breakfast." I drove up to Guitar Center and then back to McDonald's at around 7:30 pm for "lunch." I then proceeded to park my ass in the producer's chair and watched Zach record vocals for 7 songs. My turn is on Thursday, which means I need to finish writing lyrics for 3 songs. By finish writing, I mean change all of the lyrics so they're not so cliche and sappy. I think I'm headed in the right direction. We finished the latest session at around 1:30 am on Wednesday. 16 minutes, I find myself blogging about the whole week to date.

School starts on Tuesday. I'm fucked.


1 comment:

morilandia said...

como va ese guitar hero???
que guitarra tienes???
de que consola???
yo de ps2

un saludo rockeroooo