Wednesday, February 20, 2008

bad luck

Today was a day where I probably experienced every mood in the emotional spectrum. I got invited to take part and observe a recording session with some friends of mine in one of Berklee College of Music's sweet studios. It was from 2am - 6am....while I should be sleeping. I decided to against my better judgement and make the hour trek up to Boston at 12:30 in the morning. When I walked in there, I was totally blown away. Not that I should have been because it was the typical run-of-the-mill recording studio, but it makes my setup look like chump change. The SSL mixing console was the coolest thing I've ever laid my hands on. Drums and bass were tracked for two songs, and I left the studio right after 6.

Guess what.... car got towed.

I still made it to class on time at 8 in the morning.

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