Monday, March 31, 2008

productively unproductive


Here we go. The home stretch. The final lap. Get through April and everything will be OK. I am sitting at my desk with the itunes open, and I'm in the middle of listening to 3 albums that I haven't listened to in their entirety since probably sophomore year in high school: Tell All Your Friends by Taking Back Sunday; Second Stage Turbine Blade by Coheed; and Emotion is Dead by The Juliana Theory. Since then two of those bands have gone mainstream and the other bit the dust. I cleaned my room up big time yesterday, getting rid of unwanted schoolwork, old clothes, cardboard boxes, and the like. There is still no room to move in here. School is officially a useless drag at this point. Music "Theory" should have its name changed to Pointless Music "Facts." One funny thing that did happen was that someone politely asked "can you go over the difference between an inversion and a retrograde again?" Teacher says "No." I wanted to laugh, as I'm sure a few others did as well, but nobody gave in. I have nothing else of relevant interest to add right now, except it's supposed to be a mild 60 degrees tomorrow. Shorts and flip-flops? Perhaps.


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