Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I honestly can't wait to go to the beach tomorrow :).

I woke up at 6:30 yesterday morning to go to Guitar Center for the big 8 AM Memorial Day Sale. I saw a Bag End speaker cabinet for $100 and a Mesa/Boogie speaker cabinet for $250. I bought neither. Instead, I bought Presonus' version of a control surface, the "faderport." It's a pretty cool little device once you get it to work properly. That was the bitch end of the whole deal. Nothing like digging into your operating system's registry to find duplicate files of old drivers to delete and being afraid you'll delete the wrong thing and fuck up your computer for good. That's always fun. I got it to work though so I'm pretty pleased with everything now.

I've come across a new favorite pasttime (or is it pastime) that I'm slowly becoming good at: Mini-golf. I've gone 3 times so far and I'm 3-0. The first time, I shot 2 over par. That's pretty freaking good for not being an avid golfer. I must get that from my Dad because he golfs all the time. I tried legit golfing before. I was alright I guess, but nothing special.

Last night was weird, but I ended up going to Longhorn Steakhouse. That place never makes me unhappy. The Celtics/Pistons series has been close and entertaining, and the 2008 Red Sox seem to be the streakiest team in baseball. Lose 7. Win 7. Lose 3. Strange how sports works.

I'm done for now. I'm going to the beach tomorrow, although I bet it's still wayyyy too cold to be thinking about jumping in the ocean. I'll just bring my camera and try to be artistic.


Sunday, May 18, 2008


Summer is finally in full swing. I finished this past semester with a 3.0 GPA, so I pretty much stayed consistent throughout the whole year. I guess it's a good mark to go into a new institution with. Strange observation I made: classes that I played alto sax: C. Classes that I played electric bass: A.

You make the determination as to which is my "primary" instrument now. Not like I didn't try to do well at sax, but I feel like RIC tried to change who I was. I play rock, funk, reggae, blues, and the like. I don't do classical, and I don't care for classical, baroque, or anything else I can't put some feeling toward.

I stayed up at FSC on Thursday night. Jayce, Zach, and myself went to Bill's Bar on Lansdowne Street across from Fenway Park to see KidNapKin, as well as pick up their newest release, Hush Now. While waiting to get into the venue, I noticed the construction going on renovating the Avalon/Axis next door. Now, I already knew that it was being torn down and rebuilt into a brand new venue, but I got upsetting news about the job:

House of Blues.

Hooray for chain companies buying out everything these days. In my opinion, there was nothing too much wrong with the Avalon, but if it ends up being a better venue, then I'll be content, as long as I can bring my camera.

I really want to record more music and I'm stoked about my first 40 hour paycheck that I'll be getting on Friday.

That's all for now? I'll probably do another post after the TC/ST/BH/SH show on Thursday night. I'm really looking forward to that one.


Monday, May 5, 2008



Ain't it about fuckin' time.

No more classes. Just three more finals and I am done with Rhode Island College forever. Good riddance. I don't care. I am going to flunk my sight singing final. In the big scheme of things, it really doesn't matter. Talented people and people with perfect pitch can do these kinds of things. I can't. I am just a normal human being that likes music for the hell of it. I never knew that it would get this shitty. I never knew that I would hate studying music. Just three finals. Done. I'll be a fuck-up. I'll get scolded for not being able to sing a perfect fourth up. It's totally fine. Because I don't care. Did I mention that I don't care?

Friday, May 2, 2008

one or the other, and accepted!

I can't do wakes. I can do funerals perfectly fine, but I can't do wakes. I don't know, there's just something about the awkward socializing of distant family members while a corpse is lying lifeless in a casket that freaks me out. At least there is structure to a funeral. Speeches are spoken, a procession drives on, a casket is lowered and that's that. Well I was at one tonight for about 20 minutes because that's all that I could handle...or however long I could stay interested. I didn't even know the person that passed on, I think it was my aunts grandfather or something. At any rate, I said hello to the people I did know, carried on typical conversation, and made my merry way home.

I got the offical acceptance letter from New England Tech tonight in the mail. It was straight and to the point without any bullshit. It just said:

"Congratulations. You're application has been approved for entrance into the Associates Degree program."

That's perfect, almost like a perfect phone call. Point made.

I officially have one more day of school left before finals. I will be finished by Thursday afternoon, albeit I have a lot of "studying" (more like practicing) to do before then.

That's all, hope everyone has a safe cinco de mayo!
