Friday, May 2, 2008

one or the other, and accepted!

I can't do wakes. I can do funerals perfectly fine, but I can't do wakes. I don't know, there's just something about the awkward socializing of distant family members while a corpse is lying lifeless in a casket that freaks me out. At least there is structure to a funeral. Speeches are spoken, a procession drives on, a casket is lowered and that's that. Well I was at one tonight for about 20 minutes because that's all that I could handle...or however long I could stay interested. I didn't even know the person that passed on, I think it was my aunts grandfather or something. At any rate, I said hello to the people I did know, carried on typical conversation, and made my merry way home.

I got the offical acceptance letter from New England Tech tonight in the mail. It was straight and to the point without any bullshit. It just said:

"Congratulations. You're application has been approved for entrance into the Associates Degree program."

That's perfect, almost like a perfect phone call. Point made.

I officially have one more day of school left before finals. I will be finished by Thursday afternoon, albeit I have a lot of "studying" (more like practicing) to do before then.

That's all, hope everyone has a safe cinco de mayo!


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