Monday, April 14, 2008

good day.


You know it's a good day when the following events take place.
-Drive up to Dunkin' Donuts drive thru
-Order food (in my case, a bagel and hot chocolate (not a coffee person))
-Pay for food...with a $20
-Receive change... $4.80something would be like $15.20something in change...I got like $25 bux back in change.

Now the moral nice genuine human being in me would have gone back and told the disgruntled woman working in the drive thru that she gave me the wrong amount of money and she would be short some money in her drawer. I've been through that myself.

Nope. I'm poor. Money = mine.

I went to the Red Sox game last Thursday, and let me tell you this: watching Papelbon come out of the bullpen and the crowd's reaction to this is worth the price of admission itself. Here's what goes down:

-Pap warms up in bullpen. People sitting in the first few rows behind the pen watch greatness at work.
-Tavarez gets pulled from game, Papelbon comes out of the pen to the tune of "Wild Thing." Crowd isn't enthused, but applause is present.
-Papelbon gets introduced. Dropkick Murphys is heard at like 120db throughout Fenway Park. The crowd doesn't cheer....the CROWD GOES FUCKIN' CRAZY.
-Papelbon gets out of an 8th inning jam. Crowd continues to go fuckin' crazy.

My band is playing at the BVT battle of the bands on Friday. This is funny because none of my bandmates ever went to BVT, nor are any of us in high school. I also don't get why it's called a battle of the bands, because there's no "battle." Band sets up, plays 4-5 tunes, and so on and so forth. I'm looking forward to it because I expect a packed house and the fact that our style is VASTLY different from any of the other performers. It'll be interesting to see the reaction from people who are seeing us play for the first time.

RIC still sux. I'm meeting with an admissions officer from New England Tech on Thursday. I really hope things pan out for me in this direction. I took a tour of the school. They have 13 ProTools HD systems, 2 of the big digidesign console/control surfaces, a full-out television studio with top notch editing gear, a computer lab full of Macs, a radio station, and all sorts of other stuff that made me wish I had started my education there instead of at RIC, but life goes on I guess.

That's all I have for now.


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