Monday, April 7, 2008

My Story

Music 2004 - Present

It was my freshman year of high school when I started to play music with other people outside of school. The first band I was ever in was a punk/ska band called "The Pajama Theory." It consisted of myself, Andy Leighton, and Sean Gendron in the horn section; Corey Fyfe, Sam Verla, and Mike Verla rounded out the rest of the band. We played a total of two shows. The next band I was in was called From Scratch, and it was with Jayce, Mike Graham, and Zach, and it consisted of repeatedly playing "A Favor House Atlantic" by Coheed, and various Blink 182 songs. Dan Croteau and Kyle Levassuer were present at a couple of rehearsals. A recording of Dan Croteau and lead vocals still exists on tape somewhere. I was playing guitar at the time. That band formed and reformed again numerous times throughout the next four years. Later on in 2004, Jayce and I were at a one time rehearsal with Tony Langone, Jon Beaudreau, and Matt Chamberlain. I was lead vocals/screams. That band lasted only one night. There were two days in 2004 that I remember quite vividly: 6/19/04 there was a party at the Levasseurs and I played dodgeball and watched people breathe fire. 6/23/04 was my birthday, the last day of school, and I got in trouble because I went to Franklin with K-dogg, Greek, and Bishop. We went to Taco Bell for dinner and browsed around Strawberries. I bought this CD by this band MAE called "Destination: Beautiful" I popped in K-doggs car, listened to it and was like "wow this CD blows." I put it away after, but then that night, I walked from my dad's to my mom's with my walkman listening to "embers and envelopes" and the rest is history. In 2005, I was in the school's drama club where the play we worked on consisted of a rape victim and a rock band. The members of that rock band (called THE HAWKS) were Tony, myself, Jon, Rebecca Hammer and Kelly Rice. Around that time, I was in a band with Tony, Jon, and Jon's older brother Dave called Artemis. We wrote Uxbridge's biggest screamo hit for that year and performed it at the Talent Show. After the talent show, I left Artemis in favor of a reggae/funk/pop band with Jesse Coutu on drums, Fyfe on bass, MikeVerla, and Kelly Rice. We named the band Hammerton after our music teacher. We had moderate success, most notably in the Attleboro area where we played at the now defunct Jarrod's Place like 12 times or so. We played a couple of other clubs in the area as well and recorded a few tunes. When school started the next year in the fall of '05, I was involved with that, and the other band that kept forming and reforming. It was in a Gov't class with Mr. Paradise I was in with Muscle and Wop that we decided to do something for the upcoming talent show. We decided on a Guns N' Roses tribute because at the time, all of us were dead set on the fact taht Wop sounded like Axl Rose. So for the entire month of October and into November, I would find myself in the basement of Jayce's grandparents playing bass for "Welcome to the Jungle" "Sweet Child O Mine" "Knockin on HEavens Door" and "Night Train." There were practices that we'd play our set in front of 10-15 people crammed into that basement and those were some fun times. The actual show in November was unforgettable. The crowd and costumes made it one hell of an experience. The rest of that year was spent with Hammerton, and playing a bunch of cover tunes with my bros. I graduated from high school in 2006, but still managed to play tunes with my friends. That continued at the Uxbridge Talent show in the fall of 2006 when we covered a tune by Jimmy Eat World, and I forget the other songs. We attempted to continue to make music with myself, Jayce, Wop, and Muscle, but with Muscle going to school in Boston, that made things difficult and for some reason, writing material was way too hard. Everyone went on a month hiatus after New Year's Eve '07. At the very end of January 2007, I was asked by Jayce if I wanted to go over to his house to listen to some recordings that he and Wop had recorded on a cheap tape player. I liked what I heard. A couple hours later, "The Brownfag sessions" were recorded on tape and Foreverless was born. We played like 5 shows under that name and a year later we released our first EP "Rock Forever" and changed the name to THIS IS FOR GLORY.

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