Thursday, July 24, 2008

reasons unknown

I have been a complete scumbag for the past three days.


Sunday, July 20, 2008

Breakdown, is it ever gonna come?

I had one of those moments today.

I went over to my Dad's house. I hadn't seen him nor my stepmom since the day after my birthday. We exchanged stories from what we had been up to for the past month over a glass of lemonade and a box of cookies. And then things got tense. He asked me why I hadn't started saving money for college yet like I said I would (I even mentioned this a few posts back). Then he went on telling me that I didn't keep my options open, I didn't do my research, and that I probably wouldn't get a job after school. I did both of things, and I'm aware that getting a job in my field is rare and risky. Then I asked him, "would you rather see me doing something I love and having to pay more for it, or having me do something I hate and paying less for it."

No Answer. Because I was right.

I left home discontent and a little bit pissed off, and then when I got home, I sat in my room and did something that I haven't done in a long long long time.

I cried.

My fuckin' eyes out.


Thursday, July 17, 2008

Six Flags pt. 2

I went to six flags again today, this time with my mom, stepdad, and stepsister. Hey, I bought the Six Pass, so use the free admission while I have it right?

It was a rather fun day overall. I did the usual things, but I'll fastforward to my last ride of the day which was Superman. If you go to six flags when it's open late, make sure you get in line for Superman at like 8:20. You probably won't get on the ride until at least 8:40, and by then the sun has almost completely set. Making that ascend parallel to the Connecticut River was beautiful with all of the lights shining in your face. It was a Vegas-like nightlife glow swimming across the entire park. Also, because I think they wanted to squeeze in as many people as possible in a short amount of time, they added another 15mph or so to the ride. It was friggin' fast.

That's all for now. I'm trying to upload a video on myspace, but it's being slow.

Stoked for The Dark Knight.


Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Apparently Transformers 2 won't be the next movie I wear my autobot shirt to. XD!!!!

Sunday, July 13, 2008


I need to learn to be more open minded and I also need to learn how to break out of this shell I'm stuck in and take more chances. What's the worst thing that could happen? Everyone's doing it.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Plain White Snakemilk Tour - Day 3

Hyannis, MA

I'll just cut to the chase and say that this was definitely the most fun show all week. If you're that curious, just feel free to ask me, but here are the highlights:

- An empty front row.
- A child asking me for an autograph.
- Being introduced to The Office. I can't believe I never watched it.
- Free food and drinks backstage. Many thanks to Mr. Dave Elkins for the "photo passes" which turned out to be all access credentials. lolz.
- Just witnessing the comaraderie (sp?) and friendship of everyone on tour. Each and every one of these experiences opens my eyes up to something new and I'm blessed to have spent the majority of my time with all of these people for the past few days.

I'm EXTREMELY exhausted and I have a minor case of the munchies. Goodnight everyone.


Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Plain White Snakemilk Tour - Day 2 (technically 3)

Newport, RI

Lame. And it's not because 4/5ths of Mae were late and only got to play 6 songs. Those things happen, and I understand.

Teh crowd couldn't rawk. Half of the clientele to see the PWT's had to be in middle school. There was definitely no rock show vibe at all. Like I'm sitting in my seat 3 rows back, and no one besides me and like 2 other people were doing anything. It was like a room full of mindless zombies. When Delkins finally got the crowd to at least stand up, some little kid behind me was like "can we sit down now?" You've got to be kidding me.

I actually wanted to get kicked in the head a bunch of times by crowdsurfers. You paid $35 to get into the show, at least PRETEND that you're happy to be there.

Setlist this time around was Futuro, Susp, Brink, Embers, This Time, and JLG, and then they were done, which was kind of a pisser. I don't know this to be true or not but it just seemed like the venue staff was just slow to get everything set up.

And I REALLY have underestimated the popularity of the PWT's.

Tomorrow is in Hyannis, and it's going to be awesome. I hope.


Sunday, July 6, 2008

Plain White Snakemilk Tour - Day 1

Hampton, NH

I woke up this morning at around 9:30 and finished packing for what has been, and is going to be a great vacation. I left Uxbridge at approximately 10:30 and made the trek North on 495. Two hours later, I parked my car behind the venue and grabbed lunch at the only place that looked familiar, and I will regret this later: McDonald’s. I know what you’re thinking. You’re on friggin’ vacation and you still can’t get away from that place. It’s like a disease. Anywho, the scene surrounding Hampton Beach is incredible. There’s a street that runs parallel to the ocean and it is bustling with children playing carnival games, teenagers soaking up the sun on the beach, and everyone else just getting a glimpse of what the beach life is about.

Doors opened at 6 and the interior of the venue was GIGANTIC to what I initially imagined. It was just a big massive space with multiple snack bars and vendors. The stage was equipped with some of the finest light and sound gear in the industry today. The first band, The Kung-Fu girls put on an interesting and eclectic set of music that really made me change my opinion of what I had thought of them before. Mae came on shortly after and did as well as they usually do. Futuro, Suspension, Brink, On Top, Anything, Just Let Go, Soundtrack, Summertime, and SEA was the setlist, as it will be for the next two shows that I’m going to. That was really the best part of the whole night. They finished playing and I thought to myself, “That was a fun time. Let’s do it again on Monday.” And so we shall.

Right now, I am parked in a service plaza alongside route 95 which I think I will make my home for the night. More to come soon!!


*EDIT* - Yeah so I tried to sleep in that parking lot....wasn't happening. I drove home.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


This week is moving rediculously slow, but it's going to get a lot better. After I leave work tomorrow, I'm going to play some indoor mini-golf with friends. I don't know what I'll do Friday other than pick up my pay check, wash and clean out my car, and pack things for the weekend. On Saturday, I'm going to take I-95 up to Hampton Beach for night 1 of what I've nicknamed the "Plain White Snakemilk Tour." The past few shows have been fun seeing a lot of familiar faces. I have no idea what's up for Sunday yet. I might go home, but the whole point of this vacation is to avoid being home...but we'll see. I'm driving to Newport on Monday for night 2. That town is just absolutely beautiful with it's gigantic mansions and waterfront atmosphere. Night 3 (Tuesday) is taking place in Hyannis under a tent. Woo!! Then I go home and babysit my sister while my mom and stepdad get floor seats for Bon Jovi. -_-

It's going to be fun. I'm going to take a lot of pictures granted my camera doesn't shit the bed like it has been the past few times I've wanted to use it. I picked up a new battery and memory card for the occasion, and I'll have my laptop on me as well. Hopefully these venues have wi-fi.


crazy dream last night

So I'm in the middle of some city. I think Providence, but any city USA will do fine. I'm walking to my car which is parked in a parking lot in front of what looks like an apartment complex/hotel. So I'm getting into my car when a few friends that I hadn't seen in a long time pull up in a Geo Tracker. Funny thing is, I know people that own this vehicle, but those people never made an appearance in this dream. So we're talking and catching up on things when not too far after, some dude in a black Hummer H2 pulls in, and starts setting up a giant PA system in the parking lot.

This is where shit starts to fuck up:

This dude who goes by the name "Inferno" starts playing like Slayer, or some horrible death metal through the PA.

He puts on a pair of aviators in lights up a cigarette.

He then takes out a flamethrower and all of a sudden, everything is engulfed in flames. Not just the cars in the parking lot....EVERYTHING IS ON FIRE!!!

I start running. I run into the hotel, but everyone in there is evacuating and running for their lives. I keep on running until a man and his wife help me find refuge in what appears to be a janitor closet. We wait. We hear sirens, screams, running, and that music getting louder and louder with each passing second.

It stops.

It begins to rain.

I go outside to see what's up, and everything is black ash and coal. Most devastation I have ever seen. I go to where my car was parked and it is burned, but for some reason, I decide to open up the arm rest between the two seats. Everything in the little storage bin is fine. My camera and bluetooth were in there and they work perfectly fine. I'm like "What the fuck happened here??"

And then I woke up.
