Sunday, July 20, 2008

Breakdown, is it ever gonna come?

I had one of those moments today.

I went over to my Dad's house. I hadn't seen him nor my stepmom since the day after my birthday. We exchanged stories from what we had been up to for the past month over a glass of lemonade and a box of cookies. And then things got tense. He asked me why I hadn't started saving money for college yet like I said I would (I even mentioned this a few posts back). Then he went on telling me that I didn't keep my options open, I didn't do my research, and that I probably wouldn't get a job after school. I did both of things, and I'm aware that getting a job in my field is rare and risky. Then I asked him, "would you rather see me doing something I love and having to pay more for it, or having me do something I hate and paying less for it."

No Answer. Because I was right.

I left home discontent and a little bit pissed off, and then when I got home, I sat in my room and did something that I haven't done in a long long long time.

I cried.

My fuckin' eyes out.


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